Saturday, March 5, 2011

Recap of the March 3 Meeting

By: Jennifer Boyd

Great meeting on March 3. I think this is the biggest turnout to date. There were 18 at our meeting and it was full of great content. The theme of the week was "The Kings Speech." In our introductions we shared when we first learned we had a voice. Many of our answers included the fact that we were a part of Toastmasters and that we had something to share with others. The word of the day was Disparity which means the difference. For example, The disparity of how much the CEO makes and the receptionist is quite a bit. We then had 3 great speeches from Vijaya, Rodger and Annabelle. Vijaya gave a great informational speech on how an internet password works and what it takes to hack a password. The biggest tip is to make your password 13 characters. The speech from Rodger was on the 6 thinking hats to make a better decision. There are different ways of thinking of a something, his visual example on how to lead a better meeting by assigning people to different methods of thought was great information. It leads me to think you can make your time more effective in a meeting by assigning different thought processes. The last speech was a personal story by Annabelle who came to America with $65 dollars in her pocket. Her goal was to be successful and have her mother praise and love her for it. This was a heartfelt story and we applaud her for sharing such a personal journey with us.

As you read our meetings are different every time and because of the diverse group we have, I believe that Saturday Savants has something for everyone. Great Job, See you next Saturday.

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