Thursday, February 25, 2010

Our Meeting on February 20th, 2010

By: Ernie Pallares, Saturday Savants President

Despite the rain, Saturday Savants Toastmasters and guests showed up ready to play last Saturday morning! Here's a quick download of what took place.

The theme-"Finding Courage."
Judy Toneck (Toastmaster) took us through a very profound round of introductions with this theme. Judy will be missed as she will be visiting family for a while.

We had 2 competent speakers in Ryan Nessen and Jill Eastman. Congratulations to Ryan for delivering a very successful board meeting the week prior.

Table Topics

Dora Klinoa gave us one of the most challenging yet entertaining table topics sessions we've had. Here's a taste of what we had. Enjoy!

Why do some people who go to McDonalds order a Big Mac, super sized frys and a Diet Coke?

Or try this one -

Why do women put on mascara with their mouths open?

We couldn't contain ourselves with some of the answers that were given. Very creative and very funny.

Our word of the day was...

Pronunciation: \kän-tü-mā-shəs, -
: stubbornly disobedient : rebellious

Special thanks to Howard for bringing us a "legalese" tongue twister. We had fun putting it to use in our talks.

A very entertaining meeting for sure...